CBD Dosage Guide: How much CBD oil you should take
Are you not sure how many ml CBD oil you should take? Then you’re not the only one. A lot of people struggle to find the correct dosage of CBD, and end up using way too much or too little. A result of taking the wrong dosage is that the CBD doesn’t work properly. It can however be very hard to find an accurate CBD dosage guide on the internet, as there are quite some inaccurate ones. That’s why we wrote the ultimate guide. This accurate CBD dosage guide will help you to determine how many ml CBD oil you should take.
Step 1: How to measure a certain CBD oil dosage in mg?
Before we look at the correct dosage of CBD oil, we’re going to start by explaining how to take a certain amount of milligrams CBD. For CBD oil tinctures, one way to do this is by knowing the amount of CBD (in mg) in each drop. For some brands this exact information is on the tincture bottle, but not always. Some brands only show the total amount of CBD in the bottle and the total number of drops in the bottle. In this case you simply divide the total amount of milligram CBD by the total number of drops.
When you can’t find the total number of drops in the bottle, you can assume that 10 ml of CBD oil is usually around 200 to max 250 drops. If your tincture has 30 ml of CBD oil in total for example (which is a common amount), you simply multiply by 3. Because the size of a drop can differ (depending on how hard you squeeze and which carrier oil is present), there’s another technique;
How many milligrams of CBD are in 1 drop?
For this method you first have to look at how many milligrams of CBD there are in 1 full dropper. For a 30 ml bottle (the most common size), a full dropper usually contains 1 ml of oil. To calculate the milligrams of CBD in a full 1 ml dropper, you need to divide the total mg of CBD in the bottle by the total ml of oil in the bottle. Next; to get a really accurate amount, you fill a full dropper and count the exact number of drops you can drop back into the bottle. Then: you divide the milligrams of CBD in 1 dropper (which you calculated at the beginning of this method) by the number of drops you’ve counted, so you know how many mg are in 1 drop. If you don’t want to count drops but want to estimate your CBD oil dosage more roughly, you could for example take a half or a quarter of the full dropper (when the amount of mg you need is close to that amount).
How many ml of CBD oil are in 1 dropper?
As described above, 1 ml of CBD oil in a dropper is very standard. Bottles that are slightly smaller or bigger than 30 ml will most likely also contain 1 ml in a full dropper. In this case the dropper may be shorter or longer, but also thicker or thinner to remain the same capacity. But keep in mind that sizes can differ, for example; very big bottles (like 100 or 120 ml) will more likely contain 2 ml per dropper. In this case you need to adjust the above-described calculation to get the amount of milligrams CBD in 1 dropper (since a dropper contains double the amount).
If you want to calculate the exact amount of CBD you’re taking even more accurately, you can buy a separate dropper with ml marks on it.
*If you’re vaping CBD, you need to look at the number of puffs instead of drops.
Step 2: How much CBD should I take daily?
Now you know how to take a certain amount of CBD, let’s take a look at the question “how much CBD should I take daily?”. The first thing you need to determine is the reason you’re using CBD, because every condition requires a different daily CBD dose. Knowing the correct dose range is really important; Just like you can take too little, you can also take too much. Both can cause the CBD to work less effectively or even not at all for your condition. So more is not always better. So it could be possible that the CBD doesn’t work for you because you’re taking too much, so you need to take less of it to make it work better.
Step 3: Generally recommended dosage (in mg)
After you’ve determined your reason for use, the next step is looking at the generally used CBD dosage for your condition. Search for the dosages recommended in guidelines and by users on Reddit. Because ‘official’ CBD dosage guidelines don’t exist. Because everyone reacts differently to CBD, it’s very hard to give a specific dosage for everyone. For some people just a little is enough, and for others way more is required. So; to find the accurate CBD dosage that you personally need, you should follow the final step:
Step 4: Finding your accurate CBD dosage
First, you should start very low; so at the lowest point of the above-mentioned generally recommended CBD dosage or even a bit lower. Wait, and check how you feel. Don’t feel any effects? Then take a little bit more the next time. Keep repeating this process by increasing your dosage a little bit each time, until you’ve found the exact CBD dosage that gives you the desired effects. So always start very low and build up in small steps, so you don’t overshoot your sweet spot. Only if you got to the max of the generally recommend CBD dosage eventually and still don’t feel the desired effect, you could try to go above this amount.
Also; always make sure that you’re leaving the CBD oil under your tongue for at least 2 minutes when using a tincture, and after that swirl it around in your mouth a bit before swallowing. This is because CBD oil is absorbed way better under your tongue (also called ‘sublingual’) than when swallowed.
Now you know how much CBD to take, but…
Besides an accurate CBD dosage, it’s also very important to use a high-quality CBD brand in order to reap the maximum potential benefits. This brand is the one we currently use ourselves. It’s one of the best CBD brands on the market in our experience. There are also a lot of other articles about CBD on our website, so if you’re interested in CBD we highly recommend you to check them out as well.
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This article is researched and written by Doctor of Medicine Jamie Evans.
I have bad, constant, nerve pain in my torso, down to my shins and forearms, with intermittent muscle spasms. It is from a spinal cord injury at the C5-6 level that has resulted in “persistent, severe, acute, spinal cord edema”. Since these symptoms are similar epilepsy I may need more than 100 mgs/day. I was going to start with 50 mgs for 2 to 3 days, then increase to 100, then 150, depending on relief. Thoughts?
Hey Kevin! I’m sorry to hear that… Our advice is indeed to start low, see how you react, and up your dosage if needed, until you’ve found the dosage that works for you. So, your suggestion seems decent, but maybe don’t take too large steps. From 50 to 100 to 150 is quite a lot, so maybe add smaller amounts. Also, maybe you should give it some more time instead of just a few days before upping, so the CBD can build up in your system. Good luck and get well soon!